June 3, 2015

Analysis, part 2 - Overlap Upper Garment

One of the aesthetic and practical benefits of these high-waisted trousers was that they usually overlapped the uniform's upper outer garment (DS9/NEM "captain jacket," DS9/NEM "captain vest," or VOY jacket) by a few inches, thus preventing any "peek-a-boo" from the DS9/NEM division shirts or VOY undershirts on the wearer - indeed, this may have been a big part of Blackman's decision, aesthetic purposes aside! 

Note how the Sisko's DS9/NEM "captain vest" and duty trousers overlapped by a few inches:

DS9, 5x10 "Rapture"

First Contact
Captain Picard's did too, though by not quite as much: 

Some of the Sisko's DS9/NEM "captain ensembles" didn't overlap by quite as much either, though it may just be an illusion due to the size of the display mannequin:

Worf's DS9/NEM jacket and duty trousers overlapped quite a bit, perhaps the most of anybody's:

Bashir's overlapped several inches as well, though not nearly as much as Worf's:

Ezri's DS9/NEM jacket and (spandex) duty trousers overlapped quite a bit, too, like Worf's:

As did Lieutenant Neely's:

DS9, 6x2 "Rocks and Shoals"

Colonel Kira's overlapped too, but not as much as Ezri's or Lieutenant Neely's:

On Voyager, the 2-piece uniform was rarely seen, but there was still notable variation amongst the cast. 

Tom Paris' VOY jacket and duty trousers, for instance, overlapped a bit, about like Bashir's:

Tuvok's, however, seemed to barely overlap, if at all; as noted previously, his duty trousers didn't seem to extend as high as other characters'/actors':

VOY, 5x13 "Gravity"

Oddly, the amount Janeway's VOY jacket and duty trousers overlapped varied amongst her various uniforms:

On-screen, though, her VOY jacket and duty trousers appeared to overlap plenty, in a similar manner to Ezri's:

VOY, 6x25 "The Haunting of Deck Twelve"

PREVIOUS: Analysis, part 1 - Waistline

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